
... nothing is more essential to public interest than the preservation of public liberty.

- David Hume

Friday, March 1, 2024

Letter to The Globe and Mail on MAID for the mentally ill

The Editor:

My fundamental question: Are mental-health services equally available across the country?

Ontario has the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Its apparent equivalent here, the BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, struggles for name recognition both within the province and nationally (I hadn’t heard of it until recently).

Will a person with an “irremediable” mental illness in Saskatchewan or Prince Edward Island find the same psychiatric resources as someone located in, say, Hamilton, a major university city? Why seek an escape clause for mental illness without thinking in the first place of the vast disparity in the quality of services (not) at the disposal of people? Will there be more “irremediable” cases in have-not provinces?

Mental-health resources, it seems, are far from fair across the country. So why then talk about medical assistance in dying?

Joerge Dyrkton Anmore, B.C.


Published in The Globe and Mail, Tuesday February 6, 2024


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