
... nothing is more essential to public interest than the preservation of public liberty.

- David Hume

Monday, January 8, 2018

On Trump’s record of judicial appointments - a reminder

Stalin was possible because there were always judges to judge in accordance with his decree.[1]

Paul Ricoeur, History and Truth (1964)

[1] Paul Ricoeur, “The Political Paradox” in History and Truth, tr. Charles A. Kelbley (Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2007), p. 268.  The first edition of History and Truth appeared in 1955 and the second appeared in 1964.  Ricoeur’s “The Political Paradox” was first published in 1957, following the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thomas More on Trump

To mock the deformed or maimed is regarded as ugly and disfiguring, not to the individual mocked but to the one who mocks, because like an idiot he’s blaming the unfortunate victim for something he can do nothing about.[1]

 ~ Thomas More, Utopia (1516)

[1] Thomas More, Utopia, tr. and ed. Dominic Baker-Smith (Toronto: Penguin, 2012), p. 95.